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“The teacher training manual for an Environmental Basic Course” is a concrete tool for teacher trainers to organize a training on Environmental Education for teachers, whether they are future teachers or already experienced teachers, particularly in lower secondary education. Objective of the training is to help teachers integrate, mainstream and/or relate to environmental issues and environmental protection in their lessons, not limited to the obvious environmental subjects such as biology or geography.

The 3 topics in this manual (climate change, energy saving and waste recycling) are introduced by means of a number of activities which rely on a number of resource materials which are also included in this manual. Each activity is designed to introduce specific technical content which is presented briefly, concisely and easy to understand in the resource section. Complex environmental issues, such as climate change, greenhouse effect, global warming and sea level rise are simplified or presented in simple language, easy to comprehend for Lower Secondary teachers and students.

The printed manual comes with a cd-rom containing other training materials, pictures and movies which can be used during the trainings and sample lesson plans prepared by lecturers from VVOB's partner institutes. These additional materials can also be downloaded below.

All materials are in Vietnamese.